Каббалистка Мадонна приучает удочерённых девочек к своей религии

It is no secret that the American singer Madonna is one of the most famous Kabbalists in the world. Ardent prioritize this religion teaches this and their new children, adopted twin girls. So, a few hours ago it was caught by the paparazzi at the exit of the Kabbalah center in new York. In the hands of a celebrity carrying her four-year-old daughter Stella.

According to insiders, Madonna believes the ancient Jewish belief is true, and believes that her children should follow in her footsteps. The older adopted girl Madonna mercy accompanied the sister of Stella Esther.
Recall that Madonna also has biological children Lourdes and Rocco and adopted child David Banda. To be able to adopt babies, the singer had to quickly settle all legal proceedings concerning the custody of Rocco with former husband Guy Ritchie, otherwise she would not be able to get the Stella and Esther.