Певица Елка заговорила о личной трагедии The singer longs for dearly departed father. Singer Tree reported the death of a loved one after the concert. The star could not accept the loss and found the strength to tell about it only two years later.

Singer Tree, perhaps one of the most private stars in show business. The singer of hits does not like to dwell on personal topics, and her blog is a story about the creative and social life vocalist. Singer Ricky left her husband?

But sometimes she still breaks his principle. This is especially true of the singer’s emotions in Trees associated with its parents. Five years ago, became the most beloved and the loved one star of her father. Waldemar M. died at the age of 55. The singer is still keenly feels the pain of loss, which I decided to share with subscribers microblog. In day of memory of the father she has published archival image, on which the future celebrity depicted in the arms of the Pope.

“When I was little, I also asked the parents, will die if a they ever. I am grateful for that tiny wouldn’t cheat. Two weeks before my thirtieth birthday I came down from the stage and found out that dad died. Remember that day and two the next minute. Two years later I was able to talk about it in an interview…

…I’m trying very hard not to feel sorry for yourself when you miss him. And very often find his traits in the people you love. I know for sure that he’s proud of me. And knowing that he had faults, like any of us, all the good that is in me, I carefully folded the mother and father,” wrote the singer Christmas Tree.

In one interview, the singer admitted that always felt beside him the presence of the father. She said that talking to him because he feels the impact dad has on her. Despite the fact that the father and mother Trees separated, when the future was only 11 years old, she bore no grudge against parents and have kept dad warm and trusting relationship. Father Tree for a long time, played sports and lived an active lifestyle and never get discouraged.

“The Pope was not in a moment. And he left with a laugh. Just sat down, laughed and died. It happened after a workout. I cried just a little because it is very selfish, it’s about self-pity. Communication with me constantly, in a plane, for example, if shaking, laughing with him, talking,” admitted Tree.