Эммануил Виторган: «Я приходил к жене в палату, а потом бился головой об стену» The actor still cries remembering how he was dying of cancer his wife. Emmanuel Vitorgan admitted that after the departure of Alla Balter did not want to live. Helped the artist cope with grief Irina Mladic, who would later become his third wife.
Эммануил Виторган: «Я приходил к жене в палату, а потом бился головой об стену»

Famous actor Emmanuel Vitorgan has lived for thirty happy years of marriage with his second wife, the mother of his son Maxim Vitorgan and Alla Balter. All these years the pair were practically inseparable, the husband and wife are bound not only great love, but also creativity. Three great love in the life of Emmanuel Vitorgan

But in July 2000, Alla Balter did not, the actress died of cancer of the spine after three years of struggle with a deadly disease. Remembering the events of nearly two decades ago, Emmanuel Vitorgan could not hold back tears – so great was his feeling to his wife.

“We never imagined that this could be, Alla has always been a strong person, told Emmanuel gedeonovich during transmission of NTV “the Secret to a million.” Positive forecasts were given by the doctors. Care of Alla and they had a huge blow… for Three years we fought, and every year it seemed that everything is fine, everything is fine. Alla returned to the stage, we played, went to rest. And then again, Bach, a relapse”.

Emmanuel gedeonovich added that his wife was not only wise, but an incredibly brave man. She tried not to show how hurt she is, how she’s scared because she lies and can’t get up.

“I’m coming to her house, sometimes went to the toilet and there beating my head against the wall, – confessed the actor. Now you see before you a man who has had the opportunity to live a certain number of years with a terrific sense of love…”

At these words the voice of Emmanuel Gedeonovich fell from his eyes flowed with tears. “So many years have passed and I’m still… Sorry, guys,” he asked for forgiveness from the Studio Vitorgan.

The actor said that after the departure of the woman he did not want to live. To cope with the grief he helped Irina Mlodik, which was on friendly terms with Alla Balter. Irina supported Emanuel after the death of his wife. Support over time grew into love. Two years later, Irene and Emmanuel became husband and wife. Maxim Vitorgan wedding to the father did not come.

“Maxim told me that mom’s memory still so strong in him that he will not be able to be joyous on our holiday. I understand son,” said Emmanuel gedeonovich.

Later in the Studio appeared the wife of the artist Irina Mlodik, she said that for her the absence of maxima at the wedding was not unexpected. “He didn’t notice me all two years of our Association, – the woman told. – When we met – I’m with Emmie and max with his wife, talked the three of them, and if I wasn’t.”

But over time, relations improved, and today Maxim Vitorgan and Irina Mlodik friendship and mutual understanding.