Из-за скандального комментария Ди Каприо могут занести в «черный список»

Leonardo Di Caprio has let himself and the rest went to travel. Recently, the now Oscar-winning actor visited Indonesia. The country star Survivors arrived as a tourist and decided to go on a tour to see the nature of this place.

One of the places I wanted to visit the actor, became a national Park in the North of the island of Sumatra – Gunung laser.

Nature and its inhabitants Leonardo was fascinated, but still managed to find one negative, which can now be played not in his favor.

Published in Instagram photo with chimpanzees, DiCaprio left a comment under it, which he may now be persona non grata in Indonesia.

“The spread of palm oil is destroying this unique place, “said Leo. Despite the good intentions of the actor to protect the forest from being cut down, the authorities considered that the words of the actor can be qualified as incitement or provocation.

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