Алексей Колган похудел на 35 килограммов, отказавшись от гречки
The actor has shared with colleagues the secrets a light diet.

Алексей Колган похудел на 35 килограммов, отказавшись от гречки

Alexey Kolgan ,2015

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Aleksey Kolgan. 22 may 2017

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Alex Kolgan has changed beyond recognition: a 45-year-old actor, who always had a tight figure, she lost 35 pounds!

Met Kalhana in the movie “Stop Smoking”, Alexander Lazarev and Svetlana Nemolyaeva immediately expressed compliments about the flourishing appearance colleagues and his new pieces: “We hardly recognize you, you look younger, fresher!” “Yeah, now the new weight —I can literally fly” — smiling Colgan.

The actor makes no secret of what a way to get rid of extra pounds. “I didn’t even go to a nutritionist, a physician told me that need to lose weight, — says Alexey. And advised me to withdraw from just four products: buckwheat, sunflower oil, pork and all kinds of sausages. I did so, and for half a year without much effort dropped 35 pounds!”