Личный визажист семьи Кардашьян поведала о тонкостях хорошего макияжа лица
For many years the Kardashian sisters use the services of a personal make-up artist Joyce Bonelli.

Личный визажист семьи Кардашьян поведала о тонкостях хорошего макияжа лица

Each release of the girls is not complete without the participation of Joyce.

Личный визажист семьи Кардашьян поведала о тонкостях хорошего макияжа лица

In the Instagram makeup artist has decided to reveal to the subscribers of the subtleties a skilled makeup person.

Личный визажист семьи Кардашьян поведала о тонкостях хорошего макияжа лица

“I can’t stand artsy contouring. It looks awful on the screen. Most of it should not give up, important to know the measure of all”, said Bonelli.

She has denied the rumors that Chloe did rhinoplasty, noting that its chiseled nose is the result of a correct application of contouring.

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