Глюк’оZа раскрыла интимное прозвище мужа The singer told how calls spouse when they are left alone. Gluk’oza believes that the cute little sayings allow you to maintain the passion and freshness of relations, which have been ongoing for many years.

      Глюк’оZа раскрыла интимное прозвище мужа

      Singer Natalia Ionova, known by his stage name Gluk’oza surprised fans with a Frank recognition. The star revealed the intimate nickname of her husband. As it turned out, the houses serious businessman, adult male, and father of three children Alexander Chistyakov loving wife calls Mushu.

      “Musya, signed a very hot picture with her husband in his microblog Natalia Ionova. – What do you call your mate? Encountered in the network on some very creative options.” Gluk’oza members enthusiastically responded to her call and immediately began to talk about funny sexual nicknames, which they award favourite. In a short period of time to work on this a bit for all couples theme expressed by several hundred people. “I called my husband Mushu, he me – SUSU”, “I – Nicolet, Kisun it to me – baby, baby, pupa (from babe)”, “my husband and I all mutually. We bubububu”, “Pusa because plump”, “I call mine rat”, – such comments under the post of the singer leaving her followers. The results of his impromptu poll Gluk’oza was very pleased – and on the sacred mysteries fans have learned plenty and had fun with them, and others gave a lot of positive emotions.

      It should be noted that psychologists believe is needed just to give their favorite nicknames. Is a proven fact that the use of words, the secret meaning of which you know only two tunes the relationship between the couple in a friendly way. A happy marriage is partly the merit of using original and unique nicknames between couples. The justice of this conclusion by example once again prove Gluk’oza and her husband Alexander Chistyakov, whose pair is considered to be one of strong in the Russian show business. This year the star couple will celebrate tin wedding, their Union will be 10 years. Over the years, the spiteful critics have repeatedly tried to breed Natalya and Alexander, attributing both novels on the side. But they are still very happy together, raising two daughters – 8-year-old Lida, and 4-year-old Faith, find the time to communicate with his son Alexander Chistyakov from his first marriage. Singer’s husband is sympathetic to her profession, involving publicity and sometimes excessive in the view of the inhabitants openness.

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