Семья похитила ребенка, скрывая смерть приемного малыша Residents of Volgograd region decided to commit a crime. According to investigators, Natalia and Andrey stole a three-year Tamerlane to give him a non-native heir to Yegor, who passed away last year. According to preliminary data, the boy died from burns.
Семья похитила ребенка, скрывая смерть приемного малыша

7 may in the Rostov region, in broad daylight kidnapped three-year-old Timur. The criminals acted boldly – an extraordinary event happened in the center of Town, when a kid was walking with her grandmother, sister and cousin. The old woman sprayed in the face from a gas spray, and then grabbed the child and fled with him to the car. Eyewitnesses said that the criminals were two – a man and a woman.

Because the testimony of the witnesses was able to establish that the attackers fled in a car with the Volgograd numbers. Law enforcement officers immediately entered the plan “Interception”. The investigators speculated that the kidnappers left on the highway leading out of Town to Volgograd. Next was interviewed drivers passing the day on this route.

Семья похитила ребенка, скрывая смерть приемного малыша

Rostov police then contacted colleagues from the Volgograd region. The investigation found that the attackers lived in the village Yarskaya. Behind the house suspects installed surveillance.

When law enforcement officers established the identity of the persons who kidnapped the child, their surprise knew no bounds. On a daring crime was solved, the couple – a 48-year-old Andrew and his wife, 47-year-old Natalia. Wife of Paul were the guardians of four foster kids. In addition, residents of the Volgograd region had their own children, according to different sources – one or two.

Police entered the home to criminals under the guise of social workers to check the conditions of detention of children, among which was that of a missing child. However, Timur immediately “given” to Natalia and Andrew. He began to shout: “My dad’s name is Sasha”.

Семья похитила ребенка, скрывая смерть приемного малыша

Then joined the team. The couple were arrested, and Timur returned to loved ones. Pair foster children were removed from families and sent to a rehabilitation center.

“He still flinches from time to time for his mom” – told reporters the father of the boy Alexander.
Семья похитила ребенка, скрывая смерть приемного малыша

As it turned out, a desperate move of Andrei and Natalia pushed the tragic event that occurred in their family over six months ago. Then killed one of the foster children of Paul, a four-year Egor. A couple hid the news from neighbours and officials, perhaps fearing to lose the benefit which they were allocated for the maintenance of the boy, and to lose custody of other kids.

Neighbors of the couple say that they were unsociable. When the boy was gone, the brothers and sisters said that it decided to return back to the orphanage. Senior family members, on the contrary, insisted that the child was sick.

“Six months ago, even more – in the fall, where he disappeared. And the rest have less to appear in public. All tried to sneak past… When I asked them in passing, where it supposedly happened, Paul hesitated: Junior said that he returned back to the orphanage, the elderly sick, then that was taken away for treatment. It is not clear, in General,” the farmers shared with reporters.

The situation has reached a critical point, when you had to go to the local clinic for vaccination. Fearing to carry three children instead of four, the couple, according to preliminary data, decided to kidnap someone else’s child and pass it off as their own. Natalia and Andrey are specifically looking for a boy who would like their adopted son. Little Egor, they claimed, had disappeared.

Some time later in history, there are new chilling details. In a field near the home of Paul found the remains of Egor. During the conversation with journalists and law enforcement officers Pavlov shared his version of the tragic events. According to the woman, Yegor got burned when she left a pot of boiling water in the kitchen. Natalia did not call an ambulance, fearing that she may lose custody of the child.

“I heard the baby cry and immediately went. I saw pan lying on the floor already. He was still on his feet. He had crimson legs, he screamed. I immediately took out a box of drugs, processed legs, comforted him… He sat down, watched TV, I always came to see him. Legs started to swell. I was afraid to call an ambulance. I thought that the burn can heal, as I myself have it once was. I was afraid because I thought that the older children will take the guardianship. I was afraid that they will take due to my negligence,” added the woman.

Against Natalya and Andrew two criminal cases under articles “Abduction of minors by a group of persons” and “Murder”. In addition, the responsibility under article “the Negligence” threatens the staff of the authorities who for a long time have not tested the family of Paul.

In the preparation of this article were used the materials of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and REN TV.