Илья Глинников огорчен уходом одной из участниц
Last broadcast of the reality show “the Bachelor” fans have struck a voluntary departure of one of the participants, Dasha, Lukinoj.

Илья Глинников огорчен уходом одной из участниц

Dasha from the beginning were favorites Ilya Glinnikov, he made no secret of sympathy for the girl.

Now Ilya decided to congratulate Klucina happy birthday and went to her in Sochi.

“For me it was the best day of my life at the moment – admired after meeting with the actor Daria. – I was in a fairy tale and never wanted it to end. I haven’t slept and I did not want. The adrenaline kicked in”.

To date, the project was left with only 4 contestants trying to win the heart of the actor.

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