Мария Захарова прояснила состояние своей дочки
Yesterday, may 4, the Network aroused by the news of the bite of a dog daughter of the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Мария Захарова прояснила состояние своей дочки

But most of all alarmed by the information that first aid at the hospital had immediately.

Мария Захарова прояснила состояние своей дочки

Maria decided to explain what happened and to reassure those who are worried about her daughter.

“Showered with messages and phone calls that Mariana was bitten by a dog. Didn’t know that the kid’s adventure could cause such a stir. It was the case – grabbed. Fear and Reva were many. The dog is not stray, graft, is now under the supervision of veterinarians.

The child received the necessary assistance. Thank you all for your attention and care,” – said Maria followers.

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