Портрет Эда Ширана будет находится в Национальной галерее в Лондоне

Artist from Belfast, Colin Davidson has immortalized by British singer-songwriter ed Sheeran, drawing his portrait in oil on canvas. Now this picture has taken its place in the National portrait gallery in London.

Hojnik is intimately familiar with the father of singer John Sheeran. It is the latter invited the son to pose for the artist, and he agreed. Davidson draws the facial features of a celebrity for a few months, and all this time, ed came to pose for him.
“I’m honored to know ed and his family,” said the artist.
Recall that Sheeran loves the audience for his kindness and simplicity. Recently ed a few hours after the concert was spent backstage at his concert with terminally ill six-year-old fan. He often donates money to charity and help the needy. And recently it became known that he will appear in the seventh season of the popular HBO series “Game of thrones”. As told by ed Sheeran on the radio, he has a small cameo role, he sings a Serenade to one of the main characters, Arya stark. By the way, the producer of the series David Benioff once admitted that they wanted to invite ed to the “Game of thrones”, and finally they succeeded. The involvement of popular performer – a surprise for the actress Maisie Williams, who is a long time er fan.