Дочь Геннадия Шпаликова боится за свое будущее The successor of the famous writer fears that she will be sent to the mental hospital. At the moment, Daria Shpalikov is in a private medical facility. Finding women in a clinic supervised by the Union of cinematographers of Russia.
Дочь Геннадия Шпаликова боится за свое будущее

54-year-old Daria Shpalikov is the daughter of actress Inna Gulaya and scriptwriter Gennady Shpalikov, who died tragically in different years. After both died grandmother woman, she was left alone. Currently Daria is on treatment in the Moscow scientific center of mental health RAMS, where she came on the backdrop of the terrible emotional turmoil. Periodically in mass media there is information about the state Chalikovas, stay where you pay in a medical facility, according to journalists, may at any time be interrupted.

Recently in the press again published an article devoted to Chalikovas. The alarm sounded familiar women Nadia Petrova. She says that Daria can translate from reputable medical center in the mental hospital, a finding which could seriously undermine her health.

Дочь Геннадия Шпаликова боится за свое будущее

According to Nadezhda Petrova, she met the heir to the film makers five years ago. Then fate Daria Chalikovas, to rewrite two of their apartments for a roommate Svetlana Yushkevich, was at the center of public attention due to resonant release of the program “Let them talk”, released in 2012. As a result, the Daria managed to return one of the objects of real estate. Svetlana, considered formally, her guardian doesn’t care about his ward, according to Hope.

“She is so used to living in the clinic and so she’s scared of being sent home or to a real mental hospital that finds no place. After all there as in prison, and drugs are strong prick, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. By law there can be free month in the year, and for the rest of the time you have to pay 40 thousand per month. But where to take such money?” says Hope.

Petrov said that Chalikovas the second group of disability. It does not involve deprivation of legal capacity, but Daria does not behave like an adult. “I recently received a pension (about 20 thousand), went out and bought at metro junk jewelry, which then gave away to the nurses,” shared Hope.

The writer asked the Union of cinematographers of Russia, who oversees the content Chalikovas in a medical facility. Executive Secretary Mikhail Kalinin noted that there is “render all assistance to Daria for many years.” He also said that the organization is in touch with the Institute of mental health, and any question that may arise is required to decide.

“If you need more Daria’s stay at the center, I should call the boss of the clinic, and we positively decide. If the question arises about her transfer to the orphanage, will also decide” – quoted Kalinin “Express newspaper”.