Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери
26 April 2017 in the Studio program “Let them talk” came mom’s TV presenter Dana Borisova.

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

An elderly woman claimed that her daughter urgently needed money for treatment for drug addiction. She was disappointed that This turned everything. Even daughter Pauline, which dad took, afraid to return home.

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

Borisova mom in tears says that she took out a loan secured by an apartment in Crimea.

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

This is the last money, but she just can’t help my daughter.

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

Discussing the video evidence of drug Dana Borisova

As Katherine complains that she convinced the daughter to go for treatment, telling her about the bad appearance, but was Given in response was rude and was very rude.

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

Мама Даны Борисовой нашла виновных в наркомании дочери

The troubles of my mother’s daughter accused the late Director Tim brick and her current stylist, who allegedly gave her drugs.

Just below the video, which was filmed 2 months ago. It is noticeable that it This is far from a television feed. Maybe the truth is something health?

Fully watch online broadcast of the program “Let them talk” from 26.04.2017 Dana Borisova “Donkey Heart” below:

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