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For several years the star of the national stage Jasmine is trying to come to the antenatal form, but the extra pounds do not go away. For a singer appearance is very important, because the artist decided to seek the assistance of foreign doctors, once local only shrug.

During the third pregnancy she gained a few excess kilos, but neither diet nor exercise have failed. In an interview with the singer resentfully said practically nothing to eat, but the weight never comes.
He Packed up, Jasmine went abroad in a specialized clinic, where they spent two weeks. There she worked on her figure and passed through several specific procedures.
“I took a lot of interesting procedures. But, of course, the main emphasis was on the diet. For food followed carefully. I had three meals a day, and after lunch, a small snack. At this time we were allowed nuts. Of course, quite difficult, but I tried. Plus every day engaged in sport” — said Jasmine.
During his stay in the centre, the singer dropped four kilograms. This result is not too pleased, but still gave hope that now will go and rest.