Мужу Аниты Цой свадьбу с ней предсказала гадалка The singer remembered how husband first heard about it. In that moment, when Sergei Tsoi was the clairvoyant, he never thought to marry, and therefore did not believe her words. The actress shared with “StarHit” the impressive history from the past.
Мужу Аниты Цой свадьбу с ней предсказала гадалка

The life of the singer closely associated with magic: she has the gift of foresight, believes in numerology and carries about with him a talisman – a figure of Princess of the silver. And with her husband, politician Sergey Petrovich Tsoy, the singer also brought a mystic. On the eve of his 60th birthday, which he celebrated on 23 April, the star said “StarHit” family secret.

“When my future husband was 33 years old, he still had not thought to become a family man, says Anita. – Two weeks before me, it turned out that comrade Petrovich asked him to go with him to a fortune teller – a woman Luba. Friend here had to give a new position, he was worried and decided to find out the chances of clairvoyant.

Spouse in any of the wise women never believed, but was joined by friend, to deny the same. The house of the fortune teller guys saw the weeping woman. Petrovich asked her what happened and she answered, saying that she prophesied that the son will go to jail. Guys got scared, but still went to the entrance. In the first apartment he knocked the man. After 10 minutes of the game were inspired by the fortune – teller said that he will get the desired position.

Looking for a happy friend, my husband also decided to look into the future. But I promised myself that if the fortune-teller something to say about the health of his mother, – she not very well felt – it’s right there Baba Luba and buried.

Мужу Аниты Цой свадьбу с ней предсказала гадалкаAnd imagine his surprise when he had to cross the apartment threshold, she waved her hands: “Calm down, I wasn’t going to about your mother to say anything!” Petrovich was stunned, and the fortune teller said, “Very surprised, but soon you’ll meet a girl, also Korean, in August, will play her wedding, and two years later, in mid-July, you have a daughter is born”.

He just laughed out loud: can not say, this be, all my friends girls Russian, and to marry I’m not going. And went away, not believing Baba Luba… A few days later the courses of the Korean language saw me. The feeling came upon us, and after three months we were in the Registrar’s office. The son, incidentally, was also born exactly at the time predicted by Baba Lyuba. And the most interesting – to the last ultrasound showed that we will have a daughter. We rose and an envelope purchased and a name – yuna. And here such news: “it’s a boy!” Had him from the hospital in the girls ‘ clothes to pick up.”