Любовник Настасьи Самбурской оказался жуликом
Returning home after the performance, Nastasya Samburski discovered the loss of expensive rings, watches and large sums of money.

Любовник Настасьи Самбурской оказался жуликом

Samburski doesn’t want to discuss this incident, but as it turns out, no there was no forced entry and the door was opened by one who had the key.

If it was, for example, the housekeeper, if there is one, Samburski would not hide this fact, but it is silent.

It is likely that the key could be that of her lover, which was not clean at hand. Nastasya has already got into nasty sex story, when he met online with the students. So why not assume that her new Internet friend was not a teenager, and a crook.

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