Лунный посевной календарь 2016 — апрель

People always betrayed the heavenly bodies is of particular importance. This is exactly what appeared astrology, followed by modern astronomy. Although astrology is hardly a science, the influence of moon phases on human health, the tides, and the development and growth of plants is a scientific fact. Based on the theory about the influence of moon phases, there was a lunar planting calendar gardener, and many very successfully used in suburban areas.

Many astrologers say that for the compilation of lunar sowing calendar of the gardener it is important to consider not only the influence of moon phases, but also the location of the lights relative to zodiac signs.

We continue the series of articles “Lunar planting calendar 2016”that will help gardeners to determine the most favorable periods for carrying out those or other works. Of course, all the tips below are Advisory and conditional, however, in the spring, when gardeners and gardeners are actively working on their plots can be quite useful.

Lunar planting calendar 2016 — April

Dentotechnical on work in the garden and огороде1КозерогСтареющая Lunamaria potatoes, turnips, radishes. Transplanted flowers нежелательно2ВодолейСтареющая to Lanazarote and sowing is not recommended. You can make weeding, spraying of the bushes and деревьев3ВодолейСтареющая to Lanazarote and sowing is not recommended. You can make weeding, spraying of the bushes and деревьев4РыбыСтареющая Lunabrite fertilizer, produce cultivation and watering, pruning and inoculation of trees and berry bushes. Can be planted radishes, сельдерей5РыбыСтареющая Lunabrite fertilizer, produce cultivation and watering, pruning and inoculation of trees and berry bushes. Can be planted radishes, сельдерей6ОвенСтареющая to Lanazarote and sowing is not recommended. You can make weeding, mulching, fight вредителями7ОвенНоволуниеСажать and sow нежелательно8ТелецРастущая Lunabrite bushes and trees, plant the lettuce and капусту9ТелецРастущая Lunabrite bushes and trees, plant the lettuce and капусту10БлизнецыРастущая Nonprostate weeding, mulching, spraying, fumigation. A good period for planting бобовых11БлизнецыРастущая Nonprostate weeding, mulching, spraying, fumigation. A good period for planting бобовых12РакРастущая Lunatone to plant any культуры13РакРастущая Lunatone to plant any культуры14ЛевПервая to chetvertaja and sow horticultural crops is undesirable. You can plant trees and shrubs, prepare beds, fight with вредителями15ЛевРастущая to Lanazarote and sow horticultural crops is undesirable. You can plant trees and shrubs, prepare beds, fight with вредителями16ЛевРастущая to Lanazarote and sow horticultural crops is undesirable. You can plant trees and shrubs, prepare beds, fight with вредителями17ДеваРастущая to Lanazarote and transplant vegetables and fruit trees is undesirable. You can plant flowers, to loosen the soil, spray деревья18ДеваРастущая to Lanazarote and transplant vegetables and fruit trees is undesirable. You can plant flowers, to loosen the soil, spray деревья19ВесыРастущая Lunatone to plant beans, asparagus, peas. A good period for planting of stone fruit деревьев20ВесыРастущая Lunatone to plant beans, asparagus, peas. A good period for planting of stone fruit деревьев21ВесыРастущая Lunatone to plant beans, asparagus, peas. A good period for planting of stone fruit деревьев22СкорпионПолнолуниеСажать and sowing is not recommended. You can make weeding, spraying of the bushes and деревьев23СкорпионСтареющая Lunatone planting tuberous plants, except potatoes, produce, pruning of trees and shrubs, watering, hoeing. Planting trees is better отложить24СтрелецСтареющая Nonprostate cultivation, weeding, fight pests. Exercise caution at all работах25СтрелецСтареющая Nonprostate cultivation, weeding, fight pests. Exercise caution at all работах26СтрелецСтареющая Nonprostate cultivation, weeding, fight pests. Exercise caution at all работах27КозерогСтареющая Lunamaria potatoes, turnips, radishes. Transplanted flowers нежелательно28КозерогСтареющая Lunamaria potatoes, turnips, radishes. Transplanted flowers нежелательно29ВодолейСтареющая to Lanazarote and sowing is not recommended. You can make weeding, spraying of the bushes and деревьев30ВодолейПоследняя to chetvertaja and sowing is not recommended. You can make weeding, spraying bushes and trees

Remember that lunar planting calendar gardener is a recommendation. The influence of moon phases on the development of plants is not as great as timely irrigation and matching weather conditions when planting and doing other work.

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