Крис Дженнер рассталась со своим женихом Кори Гемблом

As is often the case with celebrities, is news about the wedding we received information about the sudden separation of the couple. It happened with Kris Jenner, star of the reality show “living with the Kardashian” and the mother of all known Kim Kardashian. A woman got engaged with her boyfriend Corey GEmblem only a few months ago, and today it became known that the bride and groom decided to make a pause in relations.

Last time a couple was seen together on Valentine’s Day in February of this year, and, according to insiders, shortly after the celebration of love Jenner and sent Valentine’s to hell.
“Chris told Cory that she needed more personal space, so she can focus on family and reality show. Recently Corey strained Chris, demanded more attention, and she told him that her family and work for her in the first place and more important than his needs and requirements. Chris actually spends his show. She wants to make sure the ratings are still high as before,” — said the insider.
Recall that Chris and Corey began Dating in 2014, shortly after her divorce with Bruce Jenner, which all now know as Kathleen Jenner. It is not excluded that history with Emblem will have a sequel – officially, the couple broke up only for a while, but people from the inner circle of Chris believe that after the reunification, the relationship will not last long.