Мария Максакова даст большой концерт на 9-й день смерти мужа

Last weeks was for Maria Maksakova a nightmare: in broad daylight in the center of Kiev was killed by her husband the ex-Deputy of Russian state Duma Denis Voronenkov. As later told Maria about his loss: “I didn’t know what could be so painful.

Despite personal circumstances, Maksakova decided not to refuse to work and March 31, she going to go on stage of the Ukrainian house in Kyiv, where she was scheduled concert.

“I have decided that I will remove two funny songs and sing to this program in the Ukrainian language in memory of Dennis on the ninth day. He was Ukrainian, a Ukrainian died, and he was buried in Kiev”, — explained Maria Maksakova. Tonight Maria will be in her wedding dress: “many will explode the brain. But I think I should do it. Maybe I’ll even wear a dress in which to marry”.

The organizers of the concert say that this evening Maksakova expect a real “pereyslav”, because many want not just to listen to her and see how she coped with her grief: “There is such a thing as interest in the person, – says the expert. – The name of the artist is not coming from the screen is at the top in the search engines is in the news, success is always assured. Regardless of what is artist professionally. People go to a concert not for the music, poetry, and for the sake of belonging to the star that everyone is talking about. Before the tragedy, the name of Maria Maksakova might know only a narrow circle of Opera lovers. Now talking about her even far from music people.”

It is worth saying that the popularity of Mary in the Internet has indeed increased. last month people were looking for Maksakova 1 733 829 times.

By the way, immediately after the incident, the network began to creep rumors that Mary almost on my knees crawling back and beg for forgiveness from their fellow citizens. Maksakova says that this will not happen: “I know they’re trying to lure me back. But two things: first, I betray the memory of Denis, if it’ll make now… secondly,I think that I cheated… Entice, operat, as well as what they need, then put in oblivion for some period, and then accuse the article some”.