Ирсон Кудикова заметно похудела
The former participant of the project “Factory of stars” Irson Kudikova loved by the audience for a unique voice and playing the saxophone.

Ирсон Кудикова заметно похудела

But after participating on a TV show Irson abandoned singing career and became a businesswoman.

For a long time about Kulikovoj heard nothing, but today, March 25, the girl attended the opening of the restaurant.

All were surprised by the appearance of Irson, she lost a lot of weight.

“I don’t even know what happened, honestly. Just change your social circle, the people around me appeared very athletic. Changed eating, even the attitude to life in General. First, I stopped eating after eight PM, now I try to have supper not later than six. And so somewhere for three months gone 15 pounds. All around notice it and say that I very quickly lost weight and look good. But I think it wasn’t rapid weight loss, but on the contrary, even a slow,” – said 34-year-old Kudikova.

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