Скарлетт Йоханссон продолжает воевать с мужем за дочь Ex-lovers can’t come to an agreement about the custody of a common child. Friends Romain of Doriana sure that Scarlett Johansson is a bad mother. The actress vehemently denies such suggestions. She intends to defend his point of view to victory.

      Скарлетт Йоханссон продолжает воевать с мужем за дочь

      On the eve of International women’s day, the 32-year-old actress went to court with a request to start the full divorce process. In the statement of claim she claimed not to agree with her husband Romain Doriana about the conditions of custody of her daughter rose, and requests the help of the authorities in solving this problem.

      Act, Scarlett became an unpleasant surprise for the 34-year-old Romain, who tried to avoid a public showdown.

      “In their marriage contract spelled out everything except the conditions of custody and child support, say his friends. – It’s not that they are not able to resolve the matter peacefully, and that the most reasonable agreement, Scarlett is not satisfied. She is ready to give rose at the mercy of forensic psychologists, just to insist on his own”.


      Scarlett and Romain have not lived together since last summer, although the breakup announced in January. First, they agreed that the two year old daughter will be spending a week with one parent, one week with another. To the girl did not have to wander across the ocean, Romain moved from Paris to new York, rented an apartment not far from his wife and found work as an organizer of exhibitions.

      Scarlett unlike her husband does not consider frequent travel is harmful to the child’s psyche. “She can take rose under his arm and go with her to the shooting in New Zealand – friends of Romaine. – Earlier time mom filming daughter remained with her father in Paris. Scarlett was too focused on her career and could not provide the child a stable, measured way of life. If you count how many she starred in two years of marriage, we find that the Romaine and raised a daughter alone.”

      The patience of the French was broken when Scarlett has proposed a new schedule – three days with mom, two days with dad. “Romain will not allow you to throw the baby like a ball – say insiders. – He was going to take rose to Paris. Scarlett, which has two houses there will be able to visit them when she pleases”.

      Here is the actress stood on its hind legs. She is not willing to part with a beloved daughter, and moreover, considers the Paris unsafe and depressed town populated by roughnecks, which she does not want to have anything to do. Her indignation turned into an attempt to solve the issue through the courts. “Scarlett agreed to joint custody on the condition that the daughter will live with her – said the lawyers. – She filed the lawsuit because only the court can deny the father to take the child out of the country at all or without the consent of the mother.”

      Than heart will calm down

      Romaine is not shy in front of Scarlett from her bonds and $100 million and He is well-off people, though what, nobody can say for sure. Now Romain gets a steady income as a shop owner gourmet popcorn, which they Scarlett opened in Paris. And let him half a million amid the wealth of wives look funny on the needs rose they last. Besides, he’s not running around the world like a scalded cat and is able to give my child as much attention as is required. After all, Scarlett herself has admitted that it is difficult to combine motherhood with a career.

      “I’m torn all the time and live with the guilt. Working, missing important moments in the life of my daughter and when a child can’t fully invest in the work”, – said the actress.

      Besides Romaine worried about the recent announcement of Scarlett that man was not created for monogamy. To confirm his words, still not divorced from her husband, she appeared at the ceremony “Oscar” under the handle with a theatrical agent Joe Machotas. “She has a habit of falling in love on the ears and dive into a relationship head – recognize her friends. – She flies through them like a rocket, Bang-Bang, sparks from the eyes, and it’s over.”

      Of course, Romain will do everything possible to protect the daughter from these fireworks. Anyway, he has nothing to lose, because after the trial they with Scarlett is unlikely to remain friends.