Кейт Миддлтон рассказала о послеродовой депрессии

Social work of the Dukes of Cambridge are more concentrated around the issue of mental health. In February Prince William was a member of the conference of the Guild of writers, where I spoke on this subject today, this issue was raised, and his wife Catherine.

On the eve of mother’s Day Middleton shared their experiences and spoke about the psychological difficulties faced by women after the birth of children: “Becoming a mother, I gained useful experience. However, from time to time a big problem happens even I, although at home I had support, which is not with many women. […] It is difficult to prepare for motherhood. It is associated with complex emotions: joy, exhaustion, love and anxiety mixed together. Your identity changed overnight. And yet, no one set of rules. The best thing to do is to take care of his family. Many mothers, like me, are confronted with mistrust and a sense of their own ignorance, and for some the situation is complicated by the presence of postpartum depression and personal psychological problems.”

In his speech, Kate also noted that to talk about postpartum issues is extremely important. Not ashamed of the fact that you need help “Request for help should not seem a sign of weakness. If a woman caught a cold during her pregnancy, she consulted a doctor. Mental health in this sense is not different from the physical”.