Ради новой возлюбленной Джонни Депп готов мигрировать из Америки

Fans of johnny Depp was excited when learned about his divorce from amber heard. The reason for rejoicing was the idea that now the main pirate of Hollywood come to their senses and return to the woman who bore him two children, actress Vanessa Paradis. But, alas, this did not happen.

Now same as Western tabloids are shocking us with a new message about what Depp in love again. Now the girl is still younger than Hurd. We are talking about 23-year-old actress Lucy Boynton.

With the girl johnny met while filming “Murder on the Orient Express” and then threw in a new relationship with the head. Boyton conquered Depp so much that he did not even bother to hide from others their interest in a young artist. You may think that it is not serious that she needs him solely in order to escape from an unpleasant history with amber, etc.. But really this novel has a much more serious basis – feelings. Your love for Boyton Depp ready to prove the act: the actor is going to move to the new home of the beloved, to spend more time in her company. Ah Yes, the homeland actress – UK.

I hope johnny knows what he’s doing and rake it twice before.

We will remind, heard it worked the same scheme – met on the set, gave in to the feelings, but nothing good is not led.