ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей
People’s artist friends gathered for the occasion.

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

Aristarkh Livanov Vasily Livanov and their spouses

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

People’s artist of Russia Aristarkh Livanov noted the seventieth anniversary and gathered friends and family in one of the Moscow restaurants: hero of the day was filled up with flowers and gifts. Boxes of gifts were so many that Livanov at some point the joke became agitated: “How can I take you home?!”

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

Evgenie Doga and Larissa Luzhina

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

Anna Shatilova

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

Curiously, the painting as a gift presented to Aristarchus E. not only the artist Nikas Safronov, which was expected. The canvas on which was depicted a beautiful bouquet, phone Livanov and “dad Yeralash” Boris Grachevsky.

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

A gift from Nikas Safronov

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

Aristarkh Livanov and Sergey Nikonenko with spouses

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

One of the first warm toast in honor of the jubilee said Vasily Livanov, the famous Sherlock Holmes. By the way, some movie-goers still think that Aristarchus and Basil — related. However, it is not so popular artists simply namesakes and friends.

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

Gift from Boris grachevskogo

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

And composer Eugene Doga prepared for the jubilee with musical greetings.

ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Аристарх Ливанов отметил юбилей

Eugene Kindinov with wife Galina

Photo: Sergei Ivanov

Aristarkh Livanov

Photo: Sergei Ivanov