Максим Фадеев не разрешил певице Наргиз Закировой выступать в Кремле

Producer Maxim Fadeev strongly against free performances of their wards, even in the Kremlin. He forbade the singer Nargiz Zakirova to participate in the concert dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the musical show “the Voice”, and is not going to allow that anyone acting under his direction. In the comments to its decision, Maxim explained that commercial speech is fed artists in the First channel operates them for free, earning big money at the same time.

“The first channel organized in the Kremlin a concert with the participants of the project “the Voice”. Invite all project participants, sell tickets, earn money. While artists ‘ fees for these performances do not pay and never paid, neither Kopecky. All these personaline concerts – charity from the artists. This policy is alien to us, and we do not work with this channel (neither I nor any of my artists) until the change of management of the channel” — said Fadeev.
Recall that Nargis came to the music competition in 2013 and was in command of Leonid Agutin. Project bright artist with a strong voice, took second place. Now its producer is Fadeev, with whom last year she even presented a video for the collaborative song.