Виктория Макарская рассказала о кризисе в отношениях с мужем In Instagram the woman shared with subscribers of the details of his personal life. Fans often ask Victoria Makarska, how she manages to keep the family idyll. The wife of the artist said that they have problems.

      One of the strongest pairs of show business for many years, considered the Union of Anton and Victoria Makarska. Lovers often share with followers tips on how to maintain harmony in relationships, begin to appreciate and understand the soul mate, to raise children.

      In the microblog blondes periodically there are requests to talk not only about the positive aspects of family life, but also about the problematic aspects. Victoria admitted that once he and his wife had gone through a difficult period.

      “Sometimes it seemed to me that our relations are deadlocked. The situation was absolutely hopeless from a human point of view. In these situations, the most stupid thing you can do to start feeling sorry for myself. This is a false path “to nowhere.” As soon as I tried to look at yourself through the eyes of a loved one, I felt very sorry for him… Just because anyone is not bad. There is always a reason. To find the cause in ourselves, to humble ourselves and put pride far away is my way to real family happiness, to a real, lasting relationships and respect for each other,” – wrote in Instagram beautiful.

      Fans thanked the woman for her wisdom and valuable advice. Many noted that her posts are always relevant and reflect the most frequent problems in pairs.

      “Vic! Wonder how you always write about exactly what it is that hurts”, “As always to the point and on time, thanks”, “Very true and correct words. It’s nice when public people are in the world the truth, preach the good and God, not empty and idle things! You are the pride of our show business and your family will never be ashamed!”, “I know, Vic, Anton the man challenging nature. And I think your soul was before different feelings and not just pleasant. Do you wise. I somehow became you more often to remember in moments of despair. So you want to consult with you. Silly, of course, sounds – who am I in fact like that. But I think your advice would me just a little, but it helped. Why am I writing all this: Victoria, frequently write posts about your relationship with your spouse and how you came to humility! And maybe it will help someone”.

      According to the Makarska, in any pair it is important to talk, not to hold a grudge, try to understand a loved one. It turns out that this is not so difficult as it seems. Pretty sure even the jokes are able to establish the right climate.

      “Without humor is very difficult, almost impossible to do in a family relationship. Loved yesterday agreed that today Anton no more “buzzing” and I’ll stop “trendet” in response. And as soon as Anton begins “buzzing”, I instead start “trendet” in response, must lovingly say, “honey, you’re buzzing!” And not “trendet” nothing more. And kiss”.