Сергей Лазарев впервые раскрылся после смерти брата
Sergey Lazarev for the first time in a long time shared with fans a very personal, namely his pain associated with the loss of the native’s older brother Paul.

Сергей Лазарев впервые раскрылся после смерти брата

“Today, my brother Pasha would have been 39 years old… almost 2 years he is not with us… passed away a week after my Birthday! Still think that he was just out of town… a trip… to be honest, in my darkest moments, I always feel his support from above… maybe it’s very personal to write about it in Insta, but I want everyone who knew him or saw – remembered, remembered it… maybe someone will put a candle in the Church for the repose of his soul… tell them THERE this is very helpful…memory Eternal, little brother… I love you very much”, – posted by Sergey on your page in Instagram under a photo of his brother in his birthday, March 15.

Сергей Лазарев впервые раскрылся после смерти брата

Pavel Lazarev passed away 2 years ago at the age of 37 years.

The man was a participant in a car accident, where he received several injuries, at first glance, not bearing threat of life: a bruised shoulder, a broken nose, a concussion. After receiving first aid, Paul went home to be treated, refusing hospitalization. A week later, he still appealed to doctors because of the ongoing headache, but it was too late.

Because of extensive hemorrhaging and blood poisoning Paul had a cardiac arrest.

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