Литвинова и Познер извинились перед участником "Минута Славы" Евгением Смирновым
Two weeks ago a talented guy, a dancer with disabilities Evgeny Smirnov presented their dance in the project “minute of Fame”.

Литвинова и Познер извинились перед участником "Минута Славы" Евгением Смирновым

Then Vladimir Pozner voted “Against”, and Renata Litvinova, though I voted For it, but in his speech he used the medical term “amputee” that much “rezanut on the ears” for many TV viewers, followers on Instagram and those who follow the works of Eugene.

Литвинова и Познер извинились перед участником "Минута Славы" Евгением Смирновым

Литвинова и Познер извинились перед участником "Минута Славы" Евгением Смирновым

In the end, the editor that allowed Eugene to participate was fired, and Posner and Renata read a whole speech, in which at least apologized to the guy.

Литвинова и Познер извинились перед участником "Минута Славы" Евгением Смирновым

Although it does not look convincing. Well, or maybe I’m just prejudiced against the judges of this project.

And Renata and Vladimir Smirnov was persuaded to continue, but he refused.

What do you think, was it worth dancer, after such an apology, after all, to continue to participate in the project?

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