Герцогиня Кэтрин и принц Уильям начинают новую жизнь
Grandson of the Queen and his wife decided to rebuild Kensington Palace.

Герцогиня Кэтрин и принц Уильям начинают новую жизнь

Duchess Catherine and Prince William


This year in the life of a young
generation of the Royal family expected a big change. Duchess Catherine and Prince
William who are moving out with children from his country manor in Sandringham and move to London, started restructuring in
Kensington Palace. Until recently about their plans was nothing
known, but thanks to leak, committed by one of the officials working in the
local Council for the protection of historic buildings, the news was leaked to the press. This was announced
the online edition of dailymail.co.uk.

The scale construction started
works impressive. It is planned to construct on the territory of the Palace complex the three-story
building length 50 meters
and an area of fifteen thousand square meters. And, not to spoil the view,
the surface is planned to build only one floor, the other two will be underground. The building will be in
immediate vicinity of the old greenhouses, built in the XVII century
order of Queen Anne to protect it from the weather, her favorite orange
trees. According to plan, the new building is going to move from the main building of the Palace all
servants. It also will be the offices of the assistants and secretaries and
the repository of the costumes of members of the Royal family used for various

As for
directly Catherine and William, they, starting with the coming fall, will
to start a new life. The fact that Queen Elizabeth, which this year
turns 91 directly hinted to her grandson that it’s time to take
a large share of the duties of a member of the Royal family. This requirement was one of the reasons
the Prince did not renew the contract of the pilot of the medical aviation,
which expires this March. However, an equally important role in the decision
played and the fact that the fall of the young Prince George will visit
kindergarten parents selected for him from the London school. It
younger sister Charlotte, where spring marks two years, in the fall, rather
just go to kindergarten. So her mom Kathryn freed up time
she, like her husband, could also be fully involved in the work
member of the Royal family and more to do with charity

Kensington Palace