Новый клип Ольги Бузовой "Привыкаю" стремительно набирает обороты
A few months ago, leading the House-2 Olga Buzova has released a new song entitled “Used” and today, March 13, presented a clip.

Новый клип Ольги Бузовой "Привыкаю" стремительно набирает обороты

It is no secret that the cause of the breakup of her and her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov was treason, what Buzova and sang in his songs. She later commented.

Новый клип Ольги Бузовой "Привыкаю" стремительно набирает обороты

“You know how long I went to it, and finally presenting his video for the song “Used”. This video was for me very personal, the path to emotional recovery! Of course, before a full recovery is still far away, but I feel your support! I know you’re out there! Thank you for this! I hope that I have removed the legendary Alexey Golubev you will enjoy, because we tried for you my dear. Really looking forward to the reviews”

– says Olga.

Новый клип Ольги Бузовой "Привыкаю" стремительно набирает обороты

Fans of Oli immediately wrote in the star blog that they just can’t help crying when watching this clip. Let’s check whether you, the readers of our site to hold back.

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