Катя Гордон продолжила бороться с Вадимом Казаченко
Despite the heavy labor, attorney Kate Gordon has “joined” the rhythm of life resumed proceedings against Vadim Kazachenko.

Катя Гордон продолжила бороться с Вадимом Казаченко

Let me remind you, the singer Vadim Kazachenko recently won his pregnant ex-wife Olga. The court found that Vadim was married to a young girl “accidentally” or at this point was under some strong influence.

Катя Гордон продолжила бороться с Вадимом Казаченко

For Olga Kazachenko stood up Katya Gordon, who promised the expectant mother, who is currently left without a livelihood, to resume the lawsuit. Today Katya has published a blog post, which means only one thing – the war between Vadim and Olga Kazachenko will be continued.

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