Дима Билан готовится к серьёзной операции

The lack of a popular Russian singer Dima Bilan at the ceremony “soundtrack MK”, where he was nominated as “singer of the year”, has caused confusion and anxiety among his fans. And, as it turned out, not in vain. Recently the actor admitted that really recently, extremely feeling now I must prepare for major surgery.

Now Bilan is in the hospital, where day by day he will hold a surgery on the stomach.
“I long, but the time has come when we have to deal with health” — Dima admitted.
As it became known, at the beginning of last year he was diagnosed with gastritis, and then the doctors advised the artist to stick to the regime and a healthy diet to avoid stomach ulcer. But constant stress, shooting, concerts and so on has led to the development of the disease. Now Dima, as he himself admits, eats small portions several times a day. The artist himself is cooking cereals, mainly rice and semolina.