Похудевшая Виктория Дайнеко стала неузнаваемой
Close friends of the singer are worried about her health.

Victoria Dayneko

Photo: @victoriadaineko (Instagram Victoria Dayneko)

Victoria Dayneko no longer recognize close friends. About this singer said on social networks. It turned out that the artist had some issues with rapid loss of weight. As a result, over the last couple of months the singer has lost a lot of weight and became almost unrecognizable.

“Today, my friends did not recognize me. People came up and said, why are you so thin, you never know!! Here try and explain that it was an accident…” said Daineko.

In proof of his words, Victoria has posted a photo which showed changes in appearance. A self-portrait of the singer made the fans so impressed that they suspect the artist is the presence of some serious disease. However at the same time, many fans noted that Dayneko began to look more sophisticated. In addition, subscribers find that the facial features of Victoria appeared to have something similar to Jennifer Lopez.

By the way, Dayneko one of the few stars of show business who successfully combine motherhood with a career. Singer spends a lot of time with his one year old daughter. The babysitter they resorted rarely. But even if the performer and invites his assistant to his home, the candidate for this role is a thorough inspection. In so doing, it helps police officers, psychiatrists and astrologers, who give her advice on the choice of a babysitter.