Суд вынес приговор вандалу, разбившему звезду Трампа на Аллее славы в Голливуде

Soon after it was announced that Donald trump in the voting elected the 45th President of the United States, a vandal smashed his star on the walk of fame in Hollywood.

Vandal was a resident of Los Angeles, Jamie Otis. To hide from the public and even more ashamed of his act, the man did not, quite the contrary – his action, he removed the camera.

According to the man, he wanted to remove the star from the earth, and to auction to give the money to women who accused the Republican of sexual harassment.

Damage stars took place in the early morning when the streets are almost no people and law enforcement officers.

Police did not make any work to find out who is responsible for the destruction of stars. Otis was detained, and today, it became known as the sentence handed down for his actions.

Los Angeles Daily News reports that the man received three years of probation and he must pay a fine in the amount of 4.4 thousand dollars. In addition, Jamie still has to benefit the state in the form of 20 days of community service.