Бен Аффлек переехал к Дженнифер Гарнер

Just yesterday, the media reported the divorce proceedings, Ben Affleck and Jennifer garner, and today it became known that eighteen months after the actress pointed out her husband at the door, he returned to the family nest.

“Jen prayed about it. She never wanted a divorce but felt I needed to change. In the end, Ben sobered up enough to return home,” — said the insider. American paparazzi with a bird’s eye noticed from the guest house, where lived all this time Affleck, workers endure things and carry them into the house.
Recall that Jennifer filed for divorce with the father of her three children a year and a half ago. Since then, they have experienced and advice family therapist, and the scandal with the nanny of their children, and more. Spouses were able to find common ground, and Ben proved to the wife that deserves a second chance. We hope that this information will not be another newspaper canard.