Мадонну подозревают в похищении детей из Малави The father of the twins is dissatisfied with the decision of the authorities. Dad, Esther and Stella, who took to himself a Madonna, said that he had been misled. The man does not believe that I will never see babies.

      Last week Madonna has adopted two girls from Malawi, Esther and Stella. The court approved her request and allowed to take the children with her to England. However, later it turned out that his dad twins Adam Mwale do not understand the situation. The man was present in court, but then said that the authorities have tricked your decision. According to father, he had hoped ever again to see the kids. The government of Malawi has allowed Madonna to adopt the twins

      “I didn’t know that that rich woman from England going to take them forever. I was misled. I thought she would raise them, educate and then they go back to help me. I am their father and always will be. I didn’t throw my girls in the lurch, after my wife died, I gave them to the orphanage because they will provide care. Every day I spent several hours on the road to visit their children,” said Adam.

      The man admitted to one of the foreign media that he knew in advance about plans for Madonna to teach girls. Mwale did not prevent its action, so gave the children a unique opportunity to go from artist to England.

      Happy Madonna showed a video in social networks with Esther and Stella. The girls sing a song to the accompaniment of the piano. Users of the social network enthusiastically greeted the movie with the twins. “Future stars”, “Beautiful happy family”, “You’re the best mom”, “Amazing”, “Yeah, God bless you,” wrote the followers of pop stars.

      For Madonna Esther and Stella is not the first foster children. Previously, the artist took the other two kids from Malawi. Osinovaya both, the woman does not abide by the laws, which require adoptive parents to be a citizen of Malawi or to reside there for at least half a year before you apply.

      “Family matters most to me. Everything I do serves a single purpose – to provide sons and daughters a good future. David reads the writings of fighters for racial equality, mercy plays the piano and listens to African music, so I don’t agree with the statement that they are cut off from the roots. We are an atypical family, but I assure you, our relationship with the children built on honesty and trust,” – said the artist.