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Grief knocked at the home of Tom cruise. On 81 th year of life died actor Mary Lee South. The woman was gone last week. It is known that some time before the death of Mary Lee was seriously ill.

Farewell to Mary Lee South, was organized in the Church of Scientology, surrounded by family and loved ones. At the funeral, Tom was present with three of his sisters.

We will remind, last year the world’s media erupted with headlines about Hollywood actor left a dying mother, who is seriously ill.

Insiders claimed that the relationship of the artist with her mother fell apart after the woman moved away from the Church of Scientology, the adherent of which is the Fact. But in 2009, That proudly brought the mother into the light — the ceremony “Golden globe”.

Inattention on the part of the crews had experience and his stepfather. Tom doesn’t have time (see, not very wanted) to see my stepfather Joe South before the man died.

Note that Joe lived with his mother Cruz 32 years old, and That didn’t even attend the funeral of the man who raised him. Shortly before his death, reporters asked Joe, comes to see if his 53-year-old stepson. “No, we haven’t seen him much. I wouldn’t want to drag him into all this, I still myself can take care of myself. Besides, he’s too busy. I don’t want to bother him,” he said, and tried to justify the lack of Volume.