Мария Ситтель беременна пятым ребенком
The TV presenter is four months pregnant.

Мария Ситтель беременна пятым ребенком

Maria Sittel pregnant again

Maria Sittel is the fourth month of pregnancy. For
the presenter of the current pregnancy will be the fifth, her eldest daughter from his first marriage Dasha 21 years. The second
husband — businessman Alexander Tereshchenko, Maria gave birth to three sons: Ivan,
Savva and Nicholas. Despite four children, three of whom almost
no idea why Masha has time not only to pay attention to children, but continues to do
a successful career. Moreover, on the TV channel “Russia” always with understanding
treated pregnancies Sittel.

Мария Ситтель беременна пятым ребенком

Maria Sittel sons Kolya (to his mother), Sava, Ivan, daughter Dasha and dad Eduard Anatolyevich. The tree provided the event-Agency “Nicolas Thiebaud”. Designer Hannah Eskendirova

Photo: Philip Goncharov

“Was happy when I found out that I’m preparing
give birth to a second child, Vanya, — told in interview to magazine “7 days” Maria.
— When I said about the third pregnancy it was a surprise. And then —
used. (Laughs.) But everyone knew that under favorable circumstances
I will soon be back at work and long overstay will not. I went out in the
the moment when I realized that internally ready and the brain is in

Maria Sittel with daughter Dasha and father Eduard Anatolievich

Photo: Philip Goncharov

It’s hard. To be honest. Perhaps the Lord gives strength. I
recently watched a young mom walking down the street with a child, he was
four. And here she is berating him: “You’re pulling me! Wait! Don’t shout, I’m
said…” I am in no way judging her, just wanted to help her and
the word support. I immediately remembered myself, with a baby in her arms.
I felt so sorry for myself at times: I felt that I did not have time that there is no
opportunities to do them, that life consists only of the worries and trouble of
the child. And such thoughts sometimes appeared in akkurat before the birth of the next. And
now everything is fine! I have time for everything. Children make us wiser. I don’t know where
arises this understanding, but now for me the main thing that they all here they
next, they’re mine! When I get tired, my family see it, they realize that I
hard and, of course, try to help. Sometimes I just say, “Give me
please, 10 minutes.” And go to the room where you can be alone. This need
to extinguish emotions, just breathe. By the way, a wonderful way to escape. On
children must not be offended, they are your continuation, in which all you… Well, about
career… I want to say to all the women who are afraid to give birth because of the career:
believe me, most people are sympathetic to your desire to become a mother”.

Full interview with Maria Sittel for the magazine “7 Days” read

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