Стало известно, почему королева отказалась торжественно праздновать 65-ый юбилей правления
Elizabeth was impressed by the subjects for its stunning sapphires.

Elizabeth II

Photo: @TheBritishMonarchy/facebook

Although today Elizabeth II would celebrate an important date — the 65th anniversary
the day of his accession to the throne, she decided not to arrange about this
noisy celebrations. Moreover, this day the Queen chose to retire to his
favorite country estate — Sandringham where going to be modest
tea in the family circle. This was announced by the Internet site people.com.

Actually Elizabeth, according to
a well-studied their Queen courtiers, never liked this day. After all
it is not only the anniversary of the coronation, but also the anniversary of the date of death
her beloved father king George VI, deceased
in 1957, a year at the age of only 67 years. So Elizabeth,
might prefer not to celebrate the anniversary of the beginning of his reign,
but the Protocol requires. So from the celebrations on the occasion of her diamond jubilee
in 2012 and over its 90-year anniversary in 2016, it is not Dodge able.

But in September last year, when Elizabeth
broke a new record, beating his great-grandmother Queen Victoria in
the duration of the Board, becoming the most long ruling monarhine in history
Britain, husband Prince Philip still could not resist the comment. Thanking
subjects for the congratulations, she noted modestly, knocking this “degree of enthusiasm”
celebration: “in fact, when you live as long as I have, from time to time in
your life will inevitably meet
round date. And I’m just another confirmation of this rule…”

The only thing the Queen gave herself
to persuade this year’s salute, which will be made today in her honor. And yet, she agreed to was reissued on the front
photograph made in 2014. and then, most likely, in order to saw it again in the jewels
in which it appears is not often a stunning sapphire necklace and
earrings donated by Elizabeth once her beloved father ГеоргомVI.