Экс-владелец Soho Rooms потерял миллионы долларов перед гибелью Friends of Sergei Tkachenko told about his business. According to sources close to the businessman, he was having financial difficulties. A club that Tkachenko had intended to open, took another businessman. Besides, the man lost a considerable sum as a result of natural disasters.

      Экс-владелец Soho Rooms потерял миллионы долларов перед гибелью

      29 Jan died a famous DJ and founder of elite capital club Sergey Tkachenko. He fell from the window. Before his death, the man had quarreled with his girlfriend Maria. According to preliminary data, Tkachenko could freak out because of a nervous breakdown. Friends of the businessman told reporters that he had money problems. According to the owner of the club Dorffman Sergei Loskutov, a businessman was having financial difficulties.

      The girl of the founder of the Soho Rooms did not come to his funeral

      “After leaving Soho Rooms he wanted to open a new club in the premises of the cinema “Mir” on the Colored Boulevard. All club Moscow was buzzing as it would be cool and that the whole audience of the Soho Rooms will move there. But then “the World” took Misha Danilov and Sergey were not. He got two million dollars in Odessa. Invested in the construction of the club on the beach. And it washed away during a storm,” – said the businessman.
      Экс-владелец Soho Rooms потерял миллионы долларов перед гибелью

      Producer Alexander Shafts told about other difficulties encountered in the life of the deceased Sergey Tkachenko. According to a friend, he could not find a life partner and experienced the frustration in women. Sergey repeatedly complained to a friend the problems with the fairer sex. Apparently, these discussions have been carried out before he entered into a relationship with Maria.

      Last summer saw Shafts Tkachenko in one of capital restaurants. Sergey said that he was going to start a new project. However, the entrepreneur can not feel enthusiastic about it. “Here it all sick of it. A normal girl can not” – said Tkachenko.

      Earlier, a businessman spent a lot of time to find a girl for a serious relationship, said Shafts “Express newspaper”.

      “Drop everything to go to hell and get out of Moscow! I told him goodbye. – And then these women you will ever destroy”. Unfortunately, this is what happened”, – said Alexander Shafts.

      Recall that the funeral and farewell to Sergei Tkachenko took place on 1 February. Conduct of the founder of the fashion capital club in the last path came many figures of show business, including father Alexander decl Tolmatsky, Vlad Topalov, T-killah and MC Dino. Darling Sergey, Maria was not present at the funeral ceremony. According to journalists, it was not allowed on the Shcherbinsky cemetery. A number of acquaintances of the entrepreneur is confident that it brought a loved one to a nervous breakdown.