Анфиса Чехова открыла в себе новый талант
The presenter showed his first artistic creation.

Anfisa Chekhova

Photo: @achekhova (Instagram Anfisa Chekhova)

Anfisa Chekhov has engaged in creative work. The presenter picked up the brush and wrote his first picture. Anfisa reacted to the result of their efforts with skepticism. According to the artist, no pronounced talent of the artist.

“In this photo you see my hand out my very first canvas. Artistic talent is not expect, I even son dinosaur drawing, similar to a psychedelic dog… the Expression of my women was somewhat dissatisfied. She seems to be saying to him: “Where are wages?”, at the same time hinting that she was aware of him shagging a Secretary!” — said Anfisa.

The idea of becoming a artist visited Chekhov during a family vacation in the suburbs. Tired of city life, it for a couple of days took a little vacation. Fresh air, delicious food and a healthy sleep quickly returned Anfisa force. The actress has rented a small house in the country club. By day, she sports with the children , and in the evenings sitting by the open fireplace. “Sometimes it begins to seem that you cannot cope with the problems of destiny, and you, here, will leave for the second year… And then you just lay down, look at the fireplace and realize that life is worth it, that would break over her head!” — shared the other day she.