Прохор Шаляпин впервые навестил папу в лечебнице The artist has not seen a parent for over eight years. Throughout this time he didn’t try to search since still resent him for what he is harshly treated him and his mother until the couple were married. Father Chaliapin undergoing treatment in one of hospitals of Volgograd region. There went a singer.

      Прохор Шаляпин впервые навестил папу в лечебнице

      Prokhor Shalyapin does not like to remember about his childhood. It was full of violence by the father, Andrei Ivanovich zakharenkova. Mom stars Elena Kolesnikova admitted that he still cannot forgive the former chosen one what he did for their ten years of marriage. When Chaliapin arrived in Volgograd and met with the parent, they could not agree on how to still go and visit zakharenkova. In the program “New Russian sensations” Prokhorov expressed the view that does it for grandparents. According to the artist, if they survived, then their will would be the reconciliation of the family.

      Prokhor Chaliapin met with brides in “Let them talk”

      The man admits that is not considered necessary to tell someone about your father. To him all children years like one long torment. He does not remember when his dad was in a good mood, not used in this case alcohol. He was involved in the assault, and once even beat up his own mother.

      “Mother is afraid to admit to myself that I left my father earlier because gratuitously loved him. She kept hoping that he would be released from prison and will be corrected. But I not refused him, I always helped him financially. I tried to call him and talk to him. I understand that the world doesn’t revolve around me, and I have to take a step forward,” said Chaliapin.
      Прохор Шаляпин впервые навестил папу в лечебнице

      Mother of Prokhor Chaliapin remembers the days when the former husband began to receive the beloved. According to her, any of them the man couldn’t get along. Kolesnikov claims that someone even came up to her and asked how she was able to sustain a relationship with Zaharenkova. The woman admitted that when her husband was first jailed in a few years she got married and wanted to start a new life, but the ex-husband constantly made itself felt, especially in a time when Prokhor was already living in Moscow and began to build a musical career.

      “When I wanted to divorce him twenty years ago, he said that he would slaughter me. And these lyrics are so terrible in my head was. I stayed zashugannyh. When I tried to find out where the money earned, I immediately got in the face. Yes, it is from 93, the year doesn’t know how tall our son,” said the mother Chaliapin.
      Прохор Шаляпин впервые навестил папу в лечебнице

      Recent years Zakharchenko is under close medical supervision in a psychiatric hospital in Volgograd region. That’s where mother and son went to check on the man. Prokhorov didn’t hide that worried, because over the years they never met, much has changed. Andrey also did not find a place. He said that he had followed the life of the heir and knows all about his wild romances.

      When father and son finally met, they a few minutes didn’t know where to start the conversation, although both looked happy. Dad singer criticized him for his short-lived relationship, expressed hope that Chaliapin will give him grandchildren, because he had dreams about it. Prochorus, apparently amused that they are with a parent to discuss topics of this nature. By the way, Zakharchenko asked came to him whether his ex-wife. First she waited in the car, but soon decided to look to the former chosen one personally.

      Прохор Шаляпин впервые навестил папу в лечебнице

      The family meeting did not last long. Obviously, they all were worried and didn’t know how to approach each other. When Elena Kolesnikova appeared in the doorway of the hospital room, Zakharchenko put his arm around her and kiss her, and she offered no resistance. Prokhorov admitted that both parents glowed with happiness, and it seemed that there were no hard feelings they have. Mother Chaliapin hastened to defuse the situation and stated that this meeting scene reminiscent of the reconciliation of the family, which she doesn’t really want.

      By the end of the meeting Zakharchenko asked the Prince to buy him canvas and oil paints, because he had long planned to paint. Prokhorov told my father that he would fulfill his request and asked him to contact him whenever necessary. When it came time to say goodbye, the family hugged together, and they parted without quarrels and scandals, although until recently did not believe that it is possible.

      “I don’t feel right in such senses as to the father. No, it’s all laid in childhood, he missed the point. To the father I feel pity, I realize that I’m not leaving him. I’ll help him, support me, only important to himself to it lasted,” said Chaliapin.