Алексей Воробьев впал в депрессию после измены любимой
Singer sees no more sense to smile.

Alexei Vorobyov and his ex-girlfriend

Photo: Instagram.com

Alexey Vorobyov is very hard going through a painful breakup with a girlfriend had betrayed him. The singer admitted that he didn’t want to keep all experiences in myself and intend to throw out the emotions from the incident in his work. According to him, as long as he doesn’t do it, hurt feelings will not allow him to live peacefully on.

“In our time, sincerity ceased to be necessary to someone. You can just upload a selfie with a smile and everyone is happy. No questions asked. Thank you for the fact that there are people among you, and a lot of them who understand me, people who did something in his life.And I am happy that I have this life-saving opportunity to transfer all your thoughts and all that I feel, to creativity, to materialize and thus to separate themselves from these feelings… And sincerity in our time ceased to be something important. You can just jump funny songs, and put a smiling selfie,” shared Alex.

Fans are trying to support their favorite artist in such a difficult period in life. The other day, by the way, the sparrows decided to get rid of everything in the house that reminds him of his ex. Among the mountains of broken things were and guitar, the sounds which the pair once held in the evening. “You know, this was the last tune someone has played this guitar. And when I passed her to pieces, I was happy because I smashed every bit of memories of you!” — addressed to a former lover of sparrows.

Recall that Alex decided to make his girlfriend a surprise and unexpectedly returned from a business trip. The house singer was caught with another favorite. He immediately broke off a relationship with her. And he made it publicly published in his microblog the news that he cheated on the girl spread across the Network in minutes.