Источники сообщили о состоянии Брэда Питта после развода с Анджелиной Джоли

Insiders close to the Hollywood actor pitt Delirium, reported that the artist is slowly coming out of the shock state associated with a divorce from his wife, actress Angelina Jolie. According to sources, in recent times increasingly noticeable smile on the face of Nonsense, and now Pete is feeling much better.

The reason of good mood insiders see that Jolie went to meet her husband, and they were able to agree about custody of six children, in addition, the divorce process was confidential, which have been made Nonsense. Now Nonsense also can often see his children and Angelina did not prevent their meetings.
“Life’s Nonsense all slowly getting better, he looks happier. Losing their children is a very scary and painful, because children his whole world, the meaning of life. This is the only thing that he cares about” — said the insider.
Recall that Angie filed for divorce in September of last year, however, the woman accused of spouse abuse with children. However, the investigation, which was conducted by the Federal Bureau of investigation, found no grounds for this accusation. Now the couple agree on KK can be a painless divorce.
At the same time, the lawyer Kelly Chang Rickert says he will not get them to divorce quickly and inexpensively, although the performance of “one voice” and some of the agreements, of course, is a positive sign.
“The fact that angelina Jolie and Brad pitt will breed judge John Ouderkirk, says that the process will last at least until December 31, 2017,” — said the lawyer. Taking into account the cost of lawyer lance Spiegel and Laura Wasser, whose fee starts at $ 1250 as well as the payment to the judge (from $ 450 per session), the divorce will cost the celebrities in … six million dollars.