Автор петиции против Пугачевой вновь набросился на нее с обвинениями Vadym Adamyan does not understand why the Diva finds the idea of “paid services”. Alla Pugacheva with irony applies to this situation and not believe the hype worthy of his attention. Colleagues and fans support the celebrity and will do anything to protect her from attacks.

      Автор петиции против Пугачевой вновь набросился на нее с обвинениями

      In early January there was a petition of rostovchanin Vadim Manukian, who was unhappy with a television First channel in new year’s eve. Turning to Konstantin Ernst has collected more than 170 thousand signatures of Russians and caused a public outcry. This statement gave rise to a wave of indignation from the representatives of show business, who believed the words of Manukyan is unfair to the prima Donna. However, she Alla said that, in her opinion, is nothing more than a provocation by detractors.

      “You know perfectly well that it is “paid”, and I even know who”, – said the prima Donna in the program “You wouldn’t believe.”

      Manukyan was outraged by this response Pugacheva. Vadim has published online an open letter to the Diva.

      “Alla! So who is this “gray cardinal” behind the whole story? Who is this scheming man who deliberately tried not to allow you to resume their concert activities, and even went on to order my second of January the whole story? I, and hundreds of thousands of Russians who say that why that it received nothing – very eager to hear your version! And can still take the version that already at least hundreds of thousands of Russians, some of whom are your fans just really was unhappy with what was happening for new year’s table on the First channel on the night of 31 December 2016 1 January 2017 and just decided to comment! To do this, do you need to wait when someone will make the appropriate order and transfer all the money?” – outraged Manukyan on the page in the social network.

      Last week Vadim Adamyan through “StarHit” apologized Alla Pugacheva. He admitted that he did not want to offend a Diva and addressed only to the leadership of the Federal channel. Then all thought that the conflict has exhausted itself. The instigator of the persecution Pugacheva asks for her forgiveness

      The scandal of the petition of Vadim Manukyan came to the General Director of channel Konstantin Ernst. He responded to outrage some citizens, however, noted that, according to their research, the target audience of the channel enjoy watching new year’s eve on Alla Pugacheva and other artists, therefore, sees no reason to change the format of the program. Moreover, he noted that most of the content resent those people who don’t even watch the new year transfer, because the author of the petition admitted that he changed the channel and saw a festive air only sporadically.