Целительница помогла Надежде Грановской избежать инвалидности Former soloist of “VIA Gra” were told that due to health problems she could lose the ability to walk. Aggravated the illness has deprived the Russian pop star the opportunity to dance. The doctors brought the Even to the point that it practically ceased to move.

      Целительница помогла Надежде Грановской избежать инвалидности

      Hope Meyher-Granovskaya was heroiene program “million dollar Secret”. Presenter Lera Kudryavtseva learned how they started their career future star of the group “VIA Gra”. It turned out that even in school, Hope felt her tightly in his native city Khmelnitsky. She wanted to go to Moscow to start a new life. However, when the star was 17, she had an accident. Was diagnosed with intervertebral hernia, which led to the fact that the young dancers began the displacement of the knee cups.

      Nadezhda Granovskaya came true for exhausted view

      As soon as it was discovered the first signs of the disease, the Hope has gone for medical treatment to professionals who had to straighten her bones. Otherwise, she would have quickly lost the ability to move independently. However, after the doctor Granovsky condition only worsened.

      “I did not help. It all started with his knees. In another month or two I started having pains in the back. I was referred to a chiropractor. When there’s inflammation, nothing to reduce. But who knew this? After the second session the doctor I crawled home because it was very painful. I have this moment once, and feet,” recalled Wilson on the program.
      Целительница помогла Надежде Грановской избежать инвалидности

      Hope admitted that quite desperate at the time. She thought about the performances on the stage can be forgotten forever. By the way, star for a long time was engaged in dances. It was a real stress. Pain every day do not subside but only intensified. Medical specialists were unable to help Granovsky to cope with the disease without surgical intervention.The singer flatly refused to lie on the operating table.

      Soon Granovsky was able to meet with one healer, which gave her hope for a brighter future.

      “I was brought to the healer. She began to examine hands to touch me and to put the organs in place, and then she put me on the table. I swung his legs to the stomach, and I felt that I was hit with a hammer. The pain was certainly unbearable, but after one session I got up and went to dance,” told the story of Nadezhda Meyher-Granovskaya.

      In addition, the artist also remembered how she developed her career in “VIA GRE”. For some time the star didn’t have enough money, to even feed themselves. But soon everything came together perfectly. According to the artist, she has twice been seriously involved with men. From first elect Nadezhda gave birth to a son, Igor. After his birth she returned to the group just two weeks. The soloist knew that Konstantin Meladze didn’t want to break up with her, and she was afraid of losing his place in the team.

      Some time later, the Hope had parted with the civil husband. The second serious fad of star was Mikhail Urzhumtsev. Almost a year after their meeting he proposed to her, but she answered him immediately. In 2014, they arranged a secret marriage, because I didn’t want to attract the attention of the public. Even relatives had no idea that they were invited to the restaurant for a wedding. The couple has two children: four-year-old Anne and old Mary.