Ирина Аллегрова: «Мой мужчина должен обладать адским терпением» The singer believes that being with her is very hard. On the day of his birth Irina Allegrova explained why chose a life free from marriage woman. The artist believes that to live without love is possible, and calls himself a perfectly happy man.

      Ирина Аллегрова: «Мой мужчина должен обладать адским терпением»

      With the popularity of the singer Irina Allegrova on the Russian stage few can match. January 20, the actress celebrated her birthday. The first channel is congratulated beloved by millions of fans of the singer, removing it for a whole film “Irina Allegrova. Can’t feel sorry for yourself”, which was aired this Saturday.

      One of the authors of the pictures of Valentina Pimanova admitted that the crew spent in the hospitable home of the singer in Moscow suburbs the whole day, and two women could not stop talking. Of course, the conversation was about love and personal happiness artist. It so happened that all four of the marriage of Irina Allegrova broke up, and for more than twenty years she lives alone. Irina Allegrova: “I rested on the wall, its done all my crying and decided to leave”

      “My man must have a hell of patience, – said the artist. – I understand that being near me is very hard. The man simply does not stand up and leaves. Now it’s hard for me to imagine what my life will appear someone, who will say, “forget about everything except me.”

      Ирина Аллегрова: «Мой мужчина должен обладать адским терпением»

      Admitted as Irina Allegrova, this love, as were her parents, her environment is not seen and she did not survive. She never met one, the only, the best, as seen the example of father Alexander Allegrova, who was the singer for the ideal man and the woman.

      “I’m four times married, because it seemed to me that it is supposed that a woman without a man beside is not perceived correctly. But is education” – continues to Irina Allegrova.

      Lack of privacy, according to Irina Allegrova, it is compensated with love for his daughter Lale, grandson of Alexander, splashed out emotions on stage, where she speaks a lot and often about the relationship of men and women.

      Date of Irina Allegrova can be her handsome grandson Alexander, the future diplomat. The young man had agreed to accompany his famous grandmother, if she decides to go out. “Here, look, I heels you can wear,” laughed Irina Allegrova, standing beside her grandson. “Lovely pair!” – admired Valentina Pimanova.

      By the way, according to Alexander, the word “grandma” if it sounds in the house Irina Allegrova, it is not exactly in her address. The grandson of the singer refers to her by name, and it was his decision.

      The question Valentina Pimanova specified Irina Allegrova already in the final of a women’s conversation about whether it is possible to live without love or it is still a compromise, the singer replied confidently, selecting the first option.

      “You have no idea how I feel right now! – said the singer. – I realized that every age gives its charms. I’m happy to Wake up in the morning, I have a very calm the soul. This is another phase of life. Absolutely”.