Почему Эльдар Рязанов жалел, что начал снимать «Карнавальную ночь»
About it for the first time rasskazali his daughter and grandson.

Eldar Ryazanov

Photo: TASS

Few people know that Eldar Ryazanov life was going to make a documentary. And if not for an unexpected turn in his life, perhaps his favorite people movies we wouldn’t have seen it. This was told by the Director’s daughter from his first marriage to Olga Riazanova and his grandson Dmitry Troyanovsky.

“In 1944, the grandfather and the grandmother (the first wife of Eldar Ryazanov, Zoya Fedorova. — Approx. ed.) received in the course of Grigori Kozintsev, — says Dmitry Troyanovsky. — And my grandmother was a favorite student
the master, a grandfather — no. After the first year Kozintsev it wanted to be expelled,
referring to the fact that Ryazanov’s too young for a Director. On that granddaddy
inherent irony said: “a Year ago I was still younger, you could
notice it even then.” At the Institute he received at the age of 16, after graduating from school
externally. Since that time, the Soviet Union was
period “malokartinya” to work in feature films was impossible
grandfather and grandmother both chose the documentary. They had one diploma
a documentary on the two “They study in Moscow”, which put the “great”.

“While working at the Studio
newsreel dad traveled around the country shooting documentaries, — continues Olga Ryazanova. And of
expeditions wrote my mom a gentle, filled with love letters, and even consulted on all creative questions. I sent the film to Moscow, here it is showed, and mom
has watched the material… In response to one of my mother’s
professional dissections dad she writes: “I just gold. Only
I realize now how beneficial I married. Prudent I’m still a guy, huh? Thank you, dorogusha”.

Eldar Ryazanov continued to consult with his wife, and when he became a Director of feature films. By the way, he refused to shoot his first
feature film — “Carnival night”. Didn’t want to leave from the documentary.

“First it almost made! — says Olga. — Ordered to hand over a ticket to a rest home, and go to the House of creativity in bolszewo
to work on the script. Mother persuaded father to take
this movie. Shooting was very difficult. Weight problems, because dad was young
aspiring filmmaker. He didn’t meet deadlines, over budget, it had overrun
film. At arts councils ridicule the material he showed. And
one day dad came home, threw myself on the couch and said to my mother: “I never
forgive what you persuaded me to remove the “Carnival night”.

But this film opened Ryazanov, dorog in the world of Comedy. About the unknown facts from the life of the famous Director click here.