70-летний Элтон Джон рассказал об отношениях с мужем и о воспитании детей

Tomorrow, March 25, one of the most famous musicians of our time, Elton John will celebrate its 70th anniversary. By this age, the artists came, to realize all their dreams and plans: he was able to build a successful career, raising a huge army of fans, his name is forever inscribed in the history of the music industry and he is also happy family man.

On the eve of his feast sir Elton spoke to reporters and talked about their secrets of married life with David furnish, other things.

About the relationship with the beloved man (canadian Director) John says: “we had UPS and downs like any other couple. But love is stronger, because in marriage you need to work on relationships”.

Six years ago, was born the eldest son of a pair of Zachary, and two years later Elton and David became fathers of two boys – was born the second son of the couple Elijah.

This is how the experience says the Maestro: “the Presence of children in the family is of great importance, because it concerns them, not you — says the musician. Is the greatest thing you can learn. Some people do not want to become parents and feel well — thought so too, until my life came the sons. If I were 15 years younger then them I would have had another two or three.”

By the way, despite its age, Elton John is enjoying his holiday in the same way as before. On the 70th anniversary will be organized a lavish feast, which invited those closest to the birthday people: “There are people who don’t like birthdays, I don’t want to remember them and celebrate, but I always liked this day. Seventy sounds archaic, isn’t it? As I grew up, this figure was associated with the end of the world, but that all changed. You are only as young as you feel. My inner “I” in great shape”.