600 million rubles are demanded from Elena Malysheva through the court The famous TV doctor Elena Malysheva, in addition to the program “Live healthy !”, is engaged in business.

600 million rubles are demanded from Elena Malysheva through the court For more than one year she has been trying to promote a weight loss program under her own name. A kind of set of dietary products and dishes, which is very expensive. But, apparently, things are going so-so.

They demand 600 rubles from Elena Malysheva through the court million rubles

It became known that Malyshev was sued demanding to pay 600 million rubles. The plaintiff is an office called Corona Food. It was from this company that the doctor purchased products for her “diet menu”. Now for some reason they intend to prematurely terminate the contract with Elena's company. The TV presenter herself is silent, meanwhile, the court is scheduled for April 12.

From Elena Malysheva via the court demands 600 million rubles

By the way, recently there were rumors that her dubious program on Channel One was being closed, and she was fleeing the country to her American mansion. However, when asked by journalists, Malysheva sent a letter to the television company, which says that there is no talk of closing, just because of the political situation, “Live is healthy” was temporarily removed from the broadcast grid, as well as “Evening Urgant” and other entertainment content. Also, surrounded by the doctor, they report that she is not going to leave Russia anywhere.

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